
Signal measurement and reporting platform. Measure, map, and report signal quality accurately & effi­ciently using SABR and a touchscreen Windows tablet.

Tap and drag to define building grids and critical areas
Con­figure heat-map layouts on floor-plans
De­fine RSSI pass/fail criteria, thresholds, & measurement
One-touch operation across frequencies, bands, services
Measure & record RF over time
Measure RSSI with a single tap
Lightweight and low power consumption
Instant test reports, branded and dynamic
Playback signal captured on spectrum graph display
Back-office mode for con­figuration, playback, report sharing
Store & recall multiple projects
Pre-built configuration templates

Measure RF signal strength (RSSI) within buildings
Conform to fi­re codes adopted by local jurisdictions
Compatible with Public Safety Land Mobile Radio (LMR) systems
Supports multiple transmitter sites and systems